Mike Godown

Mike Godown
Accounting and Finance Team

Hi, my name is Mike. I'm the new senior accountant at BLOCS. I've been here for about six months now. So I had a kind of circuitous career path. I started out as a welder and did that for about a year, until my dad convinced me to go to college; I didn't really know what I wanted to study, and one of my professors said, Hey, you seem to be good at accounting. So I said, Okay, being an accountant, I was just job searching online and happened to come across it and applied.

I work with Kathleen, our controller, I pretty much help her out with all the bookkeeping, that sort of stuff. And I was involved in the distribution of K1’s this year. You know, how we have our donors report their tax credits. Basically, I'm the one in charge of making sure that our donors get their tax forms so that they can report their tax credits to the state when they file. I appreciate the fact that I can, you know, come to work. Be proud of what I'm doing, you know, you know, help donors contribute to a school that they care about; you get to make sure that students have an opportunity where they might not have one otherwise, that feels good. That's, that's just kind of a motivating factor. For me, I just feel better about coming to work, I feel better about the product and my work.

So that's something I've really enjoyed thus far. It's great to hear the stories from the families who benefit from our worksite, you know, they work very hard, but because of circumstances out of their control, it's it can be difficult for them to provide the opportunities for the children that they would like to give them. So it's feels good to be able to help out the edges look forward to contributing more to blokes very excited to continue helping out with them.

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sean trapani

Father of three. Lucky husband. Designer. Artisan. Storyteller. Co-Founder, Chief Creative Officer @ Cinch. Philadelphia, USA


Don Saleski